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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Animal Therapy via Pinterest

The only thing getting me through this week are the fact that I'm one week closer to Thanksgiving break & these furry little creatures. I'll bet you didn't know that Pinterest acted as therapy. Every time you feel stressed, overwhelmed or just plain mad at the world, go onto Pinterest and type: adorable animals, funny animals, puppies, kittens, penguins, or any other animal you can fathom, and let the therapy begin. 

 Too cute! Who doesn't love a baby rabbit meme? via  Pinterest

If you didn't just "awe", you have no heart.
I'd gladly take this presh lil pooch into my home.
He's too adorable. via Epicgasm

Who doesn't love a dog in a costume?
Who doesn't love a costume on a dog?
via Imgur

Even the ugly ones need lovin'.
I'll bet his mom thinks he's the cutest kitten ever.
Sphinx kitten

Sometimes we all just need a hug from a monkey.   

Just bein' a panda bear chompin' on some fresh greens.

I could love this little guy forever.
I wish penguins were domesticated pets in the United States.
I'd have a whole heard... I mean a whole waddle.

Like my animal therapy for the day? Leave a comment below.
Want to share your favorite fluffy animal? Tweet me!

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