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Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Little Weird, A little Genius: My Favorite "Non-Traditional" Pins

Yes, I love Pinterest for its fashion, DIY and home remedies, but I really, truly love Pinterest for opening my eyes to a world where anything is possible. Not only can you have your cake, but you can eat it too. After you slice it with dental floss. After eating your cake you can check out the endless awkward photo pins. You can pin adorbs photos of places pomeranians don't belong (one of my favorites!).  And don't forget about recipes for squirrel stew. Yup, this recipe calls for 70 squirrels. Where you'd get that many squirrels is beyond me. 

The possibilities of pins are endless. You never know what you're going to run across.  
 Like for instance, this pin from imgfave

How freakin' genius is this? 
An old CD case repurposed into tupperware for a bagel. 
Mind blown. 

If you think that's neat, check this out. 

Via Engadget

Yup, that's right folks. This is a clear toaster. The toasting world will be forever changed. 
No more burnt toast. I'm in love with this idea because I hate burnt toast. 

This next pin is for everyone. 
Ever been too drunk to drive home? Want to go camping but don't want to sleep in a tent? Taking a long road trip and want to take a nap? Like fooling around in the back seat? (Haha, just kidding!) 

Via Dump A Day
This inflatable bed fits perfectly in the back seat of any regular sized car. How perfect for cat naps at work. 

After a long night of sleeping in your car you might want to brush your teeth. Check this bad boy out. 
Via Wordless Tech

 This toothbrush not only fights cavities, it shoots water into the air, acting as a water fountain. How clever. No more bending down and getting your face wet, no more cups, and no using your hands as cups. Now the water will just jump right into your freshly brushed mouth. 

With the holiday season fast approaching you won't want to miss out on this. 
Hamburger wrapping paper. 

Via Kick Starter 
Yum, is all I have to say. I'd gladly accept any gifts wrapped in hamburger wrapping paper on any occasion. 

Last but not least. Drumroll please.....

Via Pinterest

This magnificent deer head! It is too stinkin' cute not to love. The earrings, eye lashes and wig just make me giddy. I think this is adorable and creepy at the same time, which is pretty much how I like my deer heads.

If you have any funny, helpful, quirky pins that you'd like to share comment below or tweet them!

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