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Tuesday, October 29, 2013


In honor of a new trend, well new to me, #WeddingWednesday, this blog is all about... well you guessed it, weddings. Of course as a young, twenty two year old college student I do not have my sights set on a wedding anytime soon, but I am interested in the slight obsession, well, full blown obsession that people have with planning their perfect wedding via social media.  I am reluctant to admit it, but I have a wedding board on Pinterest. Does that mean I'm part of the obsessive wedding trend? I'd like to think not, but we all know we're guilty.

Screenshot via Pinterest

We'll start with the mother load of all mother loads, Pinterest. Where else can you go to plan the ultimate, chic, country, outdoorsy, traditional, trendy, monochromatic, two-toned, floral infested, candle lit, perfect day of your life?

No where.
Screenshot via Pinterest

Of course there is a board for that. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions of boards. Spend an hour on Pinterest and your wedding will be planned to the T. But be warned your pretty little head just might explode with pre-wedded bliss from all of the options. Colors, flowers, the ring, the dress, ring bearer, flower girls, center pieces, shoes, cakes....does it ever end? No. 

Pinterest is the definition of a perfectly planned wedding. According to Angela Elias these are a few of the top wedding pinners you should follow, if in fact it is your dream to create a stunning wedding. Along with these pinners there a ton to pick from. Hell, don't even follow wedding boards, just search the word 'wedding' and you'll be scrolling for days, months, even years. It's an endless plethora of all things wedding.

I took the time to do some fun, I mean grueling, research on the #WeddingWednesday trend. I wanted to see what was trending with my new trend.

Twitter is the hub bub of all social media sites right now. Along with a million (give or take a few) other trends, #WeddingWednesday is clearly a favorite. With Twitter handles like @theknot@WeddingWire, and @MarthaWeddings (That's Martha Stewart, in case you were wondering. The forewoman of the crafting generation and a wedding savvy lady.) you can do no wrong searching twitter for the best of the best when it comes to wedding planning. Searching the tag #WeddingWednesday you will find a ton of tweets that will be beneficial to planning your big day. 

Screenshot via Twitter

Don't stop at Pinterest or Twitter for your #WeddingWednesday trend. Head right on over to Facebook.  Wedding Wednesday on Facebook fits perfectly for this #WeddingWednesday trend. Which came first? The Wedding Wednesday on Facebook or #WeddingWednesday? Regardless of which came first, this site is on board with the trend.  

Screenshot via facebook

Hash tagging (#) isn't just for your average tweeter. Wait, yes it is. Everyone is #hashtagging right now. It's a trend. 

Get trendy. Be trendy. Set trends. (Woah, trendy overload.)

Use #'s to your advantage, especially when planning one of the most important days of your life. By using the hashtag (#WeddingWednesday) everyones ideas will be collectively brought together. They are linked in a special # type of way. 

 Tomorrow is Wednesday, which means... #WeddingWednesday will be in full swing! 

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