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Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Five: Top 5 Pins of the Week

Friday has come again. Yay! We're all jumping for joy as the weekend is just a few hours away. As I'm sitting at my desk counting down the minutes until 5:00 I thought what better way to end the week then with a pin recap. Yes, I had homework this week. No, none of it got done.

On Thursday my classes were cancelled and I didn't have to work. Freedom! What better way to spend the day then with a pinning and Netfilx marathon? I cozied up with my laptop, my too expensive, over-rated Pumpkin Spice Latte from Starbucks, and my oh-so comfy bed pinning the day away.

Now that society has forced me to leave the comforts of my dojo, I am at work trying to sneak in a few pins here and there. Failing at focusing on my actual work work, I have gravitated to writing this blog. Clearly, I'm avoiding working at all costs. It's Friday. My attention span is long gone, any motivation I had was gone by 9:00am on Monday morning, and my excitement for the weekend is making it hard to sit still.
So here I am, writing my Friday Five: Top 5 Pins of the Week

Number One Pin of the Week:

I am in love with this hair cut. So cute, casual, and the perfect length for me! In the midst of my pin-a-thon I was so in love this cut that I went to Mod Hair Salon & Beauty Store and got my hair cut. I'm in love with the cut and style of it! I'd say that was a pin win (a winning pin!).

Number Two Pin of the Week:

This adorably cozy room melts my heart. It's simplicity and colors make me want to paint my room and throw away half of my stuff. Well, maybe not throw away my stuff, but I love the clean, uncluttered look it has. This is my bedroom inspiration from now on. The quirky-ness of this humble abode make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.


Number Three Pin of the Week:

This precious little angel is too cute not to pin. Nope, no maternal instincts kicking in here. I'm just adoring someone else's little tot. Don't lie, you'd wear this outfit. Actually, I have boots, a dress, and a jean jacket... I'm pretty sure I've worn this outfit before, but it doesn't look nearly as cute on me. This little girl is my fashion pinspiration of the week!

Number Four Pin of the Week:

What would Pinterest be with out food? Of course there is a food pin. If I didn't pin food I'd be failing everyone, including myself, my family, my friends, and the human race as a whole (a tad dramatic?). I love food as much as the next person, so eat your hearts out foodies: Homemade Samoas Girl Scout Cookies. Just let that soak in for a minute.  ....  This picture makes my mouth water, my stomach growl, and my heart skip a beat. Yes, they are homemade Samoas Girl Scout cookies. I just died a little.

Number Five Pin of the Week:

I've broken out my boots, sweaters, put up Fall decorations, bought pumpkins, invested in Glade's Fall scents  (Pumpkin Spice and Fall Hayride, YUM!), and have begun the search for a Halloween costume. This groups me with the tons of other people who are gung ho about Fall and what it brings. What fall is missing is the weather. What's up Mother Nature? Didn't get enough summer during SUMMER? It's Fall and we need chilly weather so we can wear our boots, sweaters, and scarves without sweating into our Pumpkin Spice Lattes. So in honor of the weather not cooperating I delicate this pin to all of my fellow Fall lovers. It really hits home.

So there you have it folks. My top five pins of the week. Now that it's almost five o'clock I can call this week a success and celebrate!

1 comment:

  1. I love these pins! Especially the cookies...yum.
