Photo via Forbes
With a little bit of man power and a pinch of luck, Ben Silbermann & Evan Sharp created the wonderful, majestic site that we've all come to know and obsess over.
Ben Silbermann, a young entrepreneur from Des Moines , Iowa was bound to be a doctor. He diverted from this future plan and took a job at Google. Feeling unfulfilled at Google Ben quit and started creating an app called Tote. This app was to make online shopping via your phone easy & convenient. You could browse numerous stores and place your favorite items into a shopping bag (...or tote) and be notified of price reductions, local stores, and other incentives.
Photo via Business Insider.
After creating Tote, Ben wanted more. So he took a second leap of faith and started creating what would be know to millions as Pinterest. When he first thought up the idea of Pinterest no one understood what he was explaining. "A website where you 'pin' things that you like." Pin? Boards? What? No one understood, except for Evan Sharp. He got it. Evan is the co founder of Pinterest. Together he and Ben created one of most popular & most visited web sites today.
This collaboration and creation is a Godsend for most women, and becoming more popular among men. We use it to plan the most important events in our lives, collect recipes, look at great outfits, discover crafts and to keep track of current and upcoming trends. Yes, this website was created off the idea that it would be a modern and more technological version of a child's bug collection; a place to collect ideas, favorite items, and to express yourself, but it became so much more. And for that, I'd like to personally thank two of my favorite men.
This amazing website that has changed lives, well maybe that's a reach, but that has inspired us all to be crafty, try new recipes, to plan imaginary weddings, pretend like we're rich and famous, and of course to re-pin all of the perfectly fitting e-cards. These two men have provided us with hours and hours of endless entertainment and given us hope that one day, some day, far far away, we'll actually complete 1/2 the stuff we've pinned.
Photo via Pinterest
This amazing website that has changed lives, well maybe that's a reach, but that has inspired us all to be crafty, try new recipes, to plan imaginary weddings, pretend like we're rich and famous, and of course to re-pin all of the perfectly fitting e-cards. These two men have provided us with hours and hours of endless entertainment and given us hope that one day, some day, far far away, we'll actually complete 1/2 the stuff we've pinned.
Nice post. Very interesting that he is from Des Moines!